
Showing posts from March, 2018


Good Morning dears,  Happy Easter in Advance! Every woman who has ever thought of her family (either presently or in the future) prays for a perfect home. Perfect, not as scored by any external standard, but perfect for her. A husband that adores her, children that are exemplary and a station that is comfortable. A perfect home is no myth or illusion. It’s very achievable. It depends on a variety of factors and a blessing from above. But it remains a present day reality for a number of people and can be yours too. MUTUAL ACCEPTANCE:  This means commitment of both parties to achieving this goal. The father and mother of the home must desire it -to have a peaceful home. No goal can be reached without unity. “Can two walk together except they be agreed?” When both are determined to see their marriage through, they are less susceptible to escalated conflicts. Conflict and disagreements in marriage is sometimes inescapable, the deal is that no matter the issue none...