
Showing posts with the label training


1. Your word must be your bond. Remember that marriage is initiated by words. If your words do not carry weight, your marriage becomes meaningless. Avoid lying/deceit, fulfil promises, say what you mean. 2. Don’t be a parasite. Parasites live at the EXPENSE of their host. Don’t make your spouse your host. Share the expense. Be a contributing member. Marriage is for sharing of responsibilities. It is primarily for helping, so help. 3. Spice up your sex life. Imbue your marriage with romance and chemistry. Stop keeping a sex timetable with your spouse. Do not make it a chore. Do not allow it wane in its novelty. Allow for visual and sensory stimulation. Be adventurous, spontaneous and participatory. 4. Involve your spouse in your play time. Whether at home or on a vacation. Don’t taint your subconscious to associate daily stress with your spouse. Make memories of laughter and fun as well. 5. Display and own your bias: Love is suppose...


You think you've figured life out? You know nothing. There is no end to learning. Don't limit your self to an idea. Life is bigger and more dimensional than you  could ever imagine. So, take a deep breath and stop assuming, judging, 'rail-roading" or limiting. Have an open mind and you will yet be shocked by what you find My lecturer once said to me (when I was in school), if you don't read, you'll end up paying those that have read. Reading is a habit that  develops your person. It's like feeding your body. But in the case of reading you are feeding your mind. Years later as a teacher in a school, I told my students (when I was still teaching) that books are sources while those that read the books and assimilate them are called resource persons. You value is equal to what you have inside of you. Develop the reading culture and develop yourself so that your wealth will not be in your possessions or your bank statement but in you. This is why ...