
Showing posts with the label STRONGER HOME


Hello friends, The dictionary defines RELEVANCE as the quality or state of being closely connected or appropriate. Marriage does not happen for happening sake. Relationships are built on the unspoken foundation of relevance. Relevance to genealogy Relevance to well being Relevance to emotional state of mind Relevance to future and growth Relevance to status and pride Relevance to wealth Relevance to pleasure and happiness People (consciously or unconsciously) shed off people who become irrelevant to them. Then when irrelevance changes to harmful association, that person becomes an enemy. Now, in love relationships, some people take this very important foundational principle for granted. They erroneously assume that love would/should solve what ever imbalance their ignorance or negligence may cause. This is wrong. Your spouse or significant other loves you for a reason. The concept of a reason-less love is an unrealistic fantasy. You are relevant to him/her on varied levels. Your choice...


Hello friends, One of the greatest experiences a person could gain in this world is one that comes from the relationship of having a HOME - a FAMILY! One of the greatest failings in gleaning this great experience is seeing it as a destination and not a journey. A family is not an achievement! It is not a result! A symbol of hierarchy or status! It is not a possession! A product or reward of years of work or turmoil! Thinking it is the above is one of the underlying factors for a lot of marital failures. Do NOT get married because: Your friends are getting married You are of age. You have acquired "sufficient" wealth for it. You deserve it. In this part of the world, students are used to the process of a result from an examination after a term of schooling. Or for workers, the process of a wage after a month or period of work. Marriage should not be seen in this light. Bone of my bones! Flesh of my flesh! My very soul-mate! The one that completes me! The one person wh...


1. Your word must be your bond. Remember that marriage is initiated by words. If your words do not carry weight, your marriage becomes meaningless. Avoid lying/deceit, fulfil promises, say what you mean. 2. Don’t be a parasite. Parasites live at the EXPENSE of their host. Don’t make your spouse your host. Share the expense. Be a contributing member. Marriage is for sharing of responsibilities. It is primarily for helping, so help. 3. Spice up your sex life. Imbue your marriage with romance and chemistry. Stop keeping a sex timetable with your spouse. Do not make it a chore. Do not allow it wane in its novelty. Allow for visual and sensory stimulation. Be adventurous, spontaneous and participatory. 4. Involve your spouse in your play time. Whether at home or on a vacation. Don’t taint your subconscious to associate daily stress with your spouse. Make memories of laughter and fun as well. 5. Display and own your bias: Love is suppose...