Hello friends,

The dictionary defines RELEVANCE as the quality or state of being closely connected or appropriate. Marriage does not happen for happening sake. Relationships are built on the unspoken foundation of relevance.

Relevance to genealogy
Relevance to well being
Relevance to emotional state of mind
Relevance to future and growth
Relevance to status and pride
Relevance to wealth
Relevance to pleasure and happiness

People (consciously or unconsciously) shed off people who become irrelevant to them. Then when irrelevance changes to harmful association, that person becomes an enemy.

Now, in love relationships, some people take this very important foundational principle for granted. They erroneously assume that love would/should solve what ever imbalance their ignorance or negligence may cause.

This is wrong.

Your spouse or significant other loves you for a reason. The concept of a reason-less love is an unrealistic fantasy.

You are relevant to him/her on varied levels.
Your choice of that your soul mate is also based on his/her relevance to you.

This means that the moment you allow yourself to become irredeemably irrelevant, you kill that relationship.
Do not allow the familiarity of the relationship lull you into a state of complacency that makes you irrelevant to the one you love.

For example:
If your better half derives pleasure from your physical appearance and sensuality; and you negate to maintain such (because you "conned" him/her into marriage), what happens is that there will be gradual dissatisfaction that will show itself in unnecessary friction and quarrels.

If you previously became an emotional pillar and support for your better half until marriage and you neglect to continue being relevant to your lover in this regard, what happens is that the fallout from dropping that shoe will begin to show in the happiness and unity of your relationship.

1. Find out what relevance you have to your spouse/lover.
2. Discover what relevance your spouse has to you.
3. Be intentional in remaining relevant in these areas.
4. Tighten the bond of your union by making yourself indispensable. How? Be more relevant in other areas!
5. Never take for granted your importance to your significant other. Do not use your relevance as a tool for manipulation!

I wish you the best of life and love.
Love life; Live free!

- E. I. Oputa

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