
Showing posts with the label husband and wife. seduction


Hello friends, I hope you are all keeping safe this season! Conversing with friends this period, a lot of young people are beginning to lose the "free-spiritedness" they used to pride themselves in. When suddenly faced with the probability of demise as experienced by the staggering news of death during this pandemic, they decide they no longer want to remain "unshackled". So, a little advice to you all, hope it makes sense and helps in your decision-making process! . . . SEX IS NOT AN EXPRESSION OF LOVE, SACRIFICE IS. You do NOT need to have sex to show your love just as people do NOT necessarily love those they have sexual relations with. This is the core reason why the LGBTQ movement is full of foolishness and deceit. They claim it is an expression of love. Love made them have queer sexual fetishes. A man decides to have sex with his fellow man through unnatural means and claim it is his expression of love. This is the height of foo...


Hello friends,  What is love? I heard a song similar in lyrics to the title of this post that made me realise that LOVE means different things to different people. And that one of the greatest common errors people make is ASSUMING that your definition of love is the-same with the other persons’ definition. It has gotten to the time when one has to ask “What exactly do you mean?” when receiving an “I Love You” declaration. What do you mean? What exactly do you mean? What do you love about me? . . . Today’s post is not really about defining love but scrutinising a popular view of love that bothers on SEXISM and SEXUAL OBJECTIFICATION. Sexism is prejudice or discrimination based on a person's sex or gender. Sexual objectification is the act of treating a person as a mere object of sexual desire. Objectification more broadly means treating a person as a commodity or an object without regard to their personality or dignity. . . When I heard the song as entitled, I realised that w...


1. Your word must be your bond. Remember that marriage is initiated by words. If your words do not carry weight, your marriage becomes meaningless. Avoid lying/deceit, fulfil promises, say what you mean. 2. Don’t be a parasite. Parasites live at the EXPENSE of their host. Don’t make your spouse your host. Share the expense. Be a contributing member. Marriage is for sharing of responsibilities. It is primarily for helping, so help. 3. Spice up your sex life. Imbue your marriage with romance and chemistry. Stop keeping a sex timetable with your spouse. Do not make it a chore. Do not allow it wane in its novelty. Allow for visual and sensory stimulation. Be adventurous, spontaneous and participatory. 4. Involve your spouse in your play time. Whether at home or on a vacation. Don’t taint your subconscious to associate daily stress with your spouse. Make memories of laughter and fun as well. 5. Display and own your bias: Love is suppose...


Good morning folks, One of the reasons that delays marriage in young people is the cost of marriage especially in Nigeria. The moment the thought of marriage comes up in any discuss, the next thing will be the availability of funds – the cost. So the people who get married are simply those who have the money or those who desire marriage so much that they make it happen by faith, through challenges and at great risk to other relationships. It’s baffling that this rhetoric still holds through among Christians. An average Christian couple has to go through three ceremonies before he is considered married. First is the traditional ceremony, because the girl comes from a family and you need to have their blessing and permission to be joined to her.  Second is the church ceremony or white wedding because the Church refuses to recognise that God is involved in the traditional ceremony and so they must do a repeat of the union to involve God in it.  Third is the court re...


This was going to be a short quote but it ended up like this. Any man who is hard on his wife is cheating on her and any woman who is hard on her husband is cheating on him. (E. I. Oputa, 2017) Being hard or soft is my coinage to represent two contrary emotions that people reflect in relationships.  When a man wants to toast a girl, he goes soft. You don't get a babe by being obnoxious, violent and difficult. The same thing happens to a girl that wants to entrap or catch a man. She goes soft. She doesn't complain. She's the most understanding and accommodating. Being married does not imply you throw away all the little wisdom you garnered when you were single. Wisdom is profitable to direct. Listen lady, you can be hard to everybody else in the world, just make sure that you are (and show yourself to be) soft to the one that matters most to you (your husband). Obviously, you don't take shit from anybody. Be willing to take it from your husband. Y...