
Showing posts with the label identity crisis


Hello friends,  What is love? I heard a song similar in lyrics to the title of this post that made me realise that LOVE means different things to different people. And that one of the greatest common errors people make is ASSUMING that your definition of love is the-same with the other persons’ definition. It has gotten to the time when one has to ask “What exactly do you mean?” when receiving an “I Love You” declaration. What do you mean? What exactly do you mean? What do you love about me? . . . Today’s post is not really about defining love but scrutinising a popular view of love that bothers on SEXISM and SEXUAL OBJECTIFICATION. Sexism is prejudice or discrimination based on a person's sex or gender. Sexual objectification is the act of treating a person as a mere object of sexual desire. Objectification more broadly means treating a person as a commodity or an object without regard to their personality or dignity. . . When I heard the song as entitled, I realised that w...


"Say ye not, A confederacy, to all them to whom this people shall say, A confederacy; neither fear ye their fear, nor be afraid."  Crowd mentality, Herd mentality, Mob mentality and Pack mentality, also lesser known as Gang mentality, describes how people can be influenced by their peers to adopt certain behaviors on a largely emotional, rather than rational, basis.  That is one major problem with us in Africa and more especially with Christians (Church goers) in Nigeria. I have always hated the term "the masses". So, I tend to dissociate myself from anything that has to do with the masses. Mass transport, mass feeding, mass education, mass skill acquisition, etc. Being uniquely you is the backbone of your individuality. It's what separates humanity from robots or from animals. Everybody must learn to think for themselves. It's this herding that has brought us to the state we are in.  Notice that God does not recognize herd decisions or ma...


That is what I see affecting our youths these days. Sorry if I'm sounding too serious today, but I woke up with a need. A need to scream. How can you be 35 going 40 and you still have not figured out who you are? I mean, when will you start LIVING? The period of ADOLESCENCE is defined by Wikipedia as "the period following the onset of puberty during which a young person develops from a child into an adult." This is the period that a young adult determines who he/she is. Character, personality, traits, dreams, principles ... I see a crop of ADULTS who NEVER experienced that period (formed their personality). So: We have big babies with no clue as to who they are or why they are where they are.  We have loads of people that follow blindly, political leaders who themselves are blind.  We have Senior Pastors who do not even know the basic principles of the faith they preach.  Doctors who do not understand the meaning or of their Hippocratic Oath.  We ...