NOTICE: Adult content! Not for kids under 20+. Parental screening is advised. Being good pays. Being bad also pays in experience. Sex and the issues surrounding it has been identified as the leading cause of family and relationship break ups since the dawn of time. One of the factors for such as ignorance. You see, people do not know enough about their own body and as such have to wing it. If you have been a virgin or inexperienced in the area of sex, the tendency for you to mess up is high. Common terms that you should know like orgasm, G-spot, clitoris, sensitive spots etc are all foreign concepts to you virgin minds. In fact, most societies discourage the acquisition of said knowledge and we know that knowledge is power. So the weakness in romantic and sexual prowess invariably leads to disaster as loving relationships are foiled due to dissatisfaction in the marital bed. I say marital bed because it is the only bed that matters to me. Religion has pl...