THREE TYPICAL STORIES IN NIGERIA (*** True Stories ***) A lady was recommended for a job in Canada. Her flight ticket was paid and she went for the interview, got to the interview venue and sat with the others. The interviewers saw her and somehow they were disgusted at her. She was chewing gum complacently. They summarily dismissed her and sent her back. A day later the man who recommended her gave her a call asking why she misbehaved at the interview hall. She was shocked at the query and asked him how. He recounted that the interviewers called him and reported that she was uncouth, chewing gum. She lamented that she never chewed gum. Infact, she was fasting prior to the interview and had been so for a week to the D-day. She has never been known to chew gum. (Village people at work) A man has been looking for job for a while. He went for an interview in Lagos and he performed so well that the Project Manager noted him and even gifted him several face masks. They promis...