This morning, I fired up my system to new year felicitations on FB. As I responded to some of the messages, my mind notices excited greetings of "Happy New Years" floating it through the window. I can make out the sounds of my children watching their "carkoon" and the excited shouts of my neighbours as they undertake one form of entertainment or the order.

I can hear varied genres of music floating out from the flats in my area. ... Then I hear it ... A scream that isn't one of entertainment. I hear a crash and a wail. I quickly rush out. But when I get outside everywhere is deserted and I don't hear a thing. As I'm about to give up I hear distinctly from across my fence my neighbour berating his wife in a controlled angry tone "You think sey na you marry me? I'll show you...". His wife in a tearful shriek replies repeatedly, "because you now make small change, you think you can now sleep around. When I married you, you had nothing. Now you are making small change you think you can sleep around. You no well ..."

I realise it's a marital squabble. I je-je-ly trudge back inside. As I enter my room to my excited wife narrating a funny occurrence with my son, I'm grateful that I am not entering this New Year in quarrels and heart break. I feel for my neighbours and I'm grateful to God for my life and family.

- Men, pursue peace in your dealings and you will have peace in your home. 
- Do not neglect or look down on the wife of your youth. -
- Never lay hands on a woman, talk less of a woman that is down with you in the trenches. She's a treasure many seek for but never find. 
- Finally, ladies wisdom is profitable to direct. There are more effective ways to influence and bring change in your home and man.

I pray God help us this 2018 not to fall back to the vomit of 2017 but aspire to greater things in integrity of heart and singularity of purpose. So that our celebrations can be rancour free.

- E.. I. OPUTA


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