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Hey, its Friday! Got this video from the stables of Mark Angel Comedy! Caused me to laugh!
An unhealthy lifestyle will raise your blood pressure over time. And the higher your blood pressure becomes, the higher your risk of having a stroke or heart attack in the future. But the good news is that if you have high blood pressure, healthy changes will help to bring it down. And you don't have to wait until you have high blood pressure to make healthy lifestyle changes. The more you can reduce your blood pressure, the lower your risk of a heart attack or stroke will be. 1. Blood Pressure Diet - Eat less salt Too much salt raises your blood pressure, so it is important to eat as little as possible. In fact, some people with high blood pressure may be able to avoid blood pressure medicines by cutting down on salt. Most of the salt you eat is not what you add to your food, but is in prepared foods like bread, breakfast cereals and ready meals. Don’t add salt to food when cooking or at the table. When shopping for food, check the labels and choose low-s...
I've been encountering some amazing posts recently! Please read! E. I. Oputa approves this post! *** Copied *** SCISSORS COUPLES: 👫✂✂✂ I needed to use the scissors this morning & as I finished with it, I looked at it carefully & I saw that, the scissors models an ideal couple. Let's see some lessons every couple should learn from the scissors so that we can become better couples & build enviable homes. LESSON 1: The scissors is always in pairs & that's where its usefulness is. Once you see one part & the other part is not there, it is useless no matter how beautiful it is. The effectiveness of every marriage is lost when couples are not together. Separation & divorce destroy the effectiveness & usefulness of every marriage. Remember, 'united we stand, divided we fall'. Separation is not only when you separate physically & you are no longer living together. There are many couples who are together under the same roof but are spirituall...
A black sheep is still a sheep. A prodigal son is still a son. The worst sin is not the crime of the child but the betrayal of a parent in denying a child. What did he/she do? Got pregnant out of wedlock Shamed the family name with a scandal Committed a petty crime Abandoned family faith or doctrine or denomination Became gay or lesbian e tc Whatever the crime, the greater sin remains DENYING / ABANDONING YOUR CHILD! That is the definition of IRRESPONSIBILITY! Please, let wisdom lead. Do not let your action make your child fall into the deep end! Being a parent does not end after birth. It is like marriage, till death. #ablacksheepisstillasheep - E. I. OPUTA
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