"Anything you desire and believe you have received you will have it" and that's a fact I have come to know experientially. But I missed several targets and opportunities all because of the lack of deep understanding and when things did not work, I was always quick to say things like "All things work together for my good".

And instead focusing on that good and plan on how to win in the end, I start planning for something else and in the end I lose everything and the good never comes.

My mindset and life took a new turn when my friend gave me a gift of an amazing book, written by Jack Canfield. In this book he gave twenty-five success principles that are life changing and in principle six, page seventy, I saw these words "Become an inverse paranoid".

At first I was like, which kind title be this, but after reading it my mind was rewired. Here are a few things that struck me.

I saw a quote by Stan Dale "I've always been the opposite of a paranoid. I operate as if everyone is part of a plot to enhance my well-being" as I saw this I said to myself "Nedu don't just quote all things work together for my good, make it a lifestyle" .

As I read further I read about W. Clement Stone. He was described as an inverse paranoid. Instead of believing the world was plotting to do him harm, he chose to believe the world was plotting to do him good. Instead of seeing every difficult or challenging event as negative, he saw it for what it could be - something that was meant to enrich him, empower him, or advance his cause.

Imagine you walk around with this mindset. What do you think will happen? Remember as a man thinketh in his heart so is he, and as he continues to think so he remains..

My thanksgiving lifestyle is accompanied with this kind of thinking, so I practice winning regardless of the situation I find myself and you should too.

I leave you with an affirmation I saw in the book, you can say it every morning when you're about to leave for work "I believe the world is plotting to do me good today, I can't wait to see what it is".

Chinedu Mogor writes that you may know, and by your results you may become better known to your world.

Enjoy the rest of your week and you should totally always finish what you start.

© Chinedu Mogor.


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