Good morning friends, Words are powerful! They are such inconspicuous things that have great effect in our lives. They can build up or they can utterly tear down. In marriage, words are as important as our actions. They can be tools of great bonding or little pests that condemn the whole. The divide in families sometimes are not the actions of the participants but the words. Some women with broken homes I have spoken to confirmed to me that it was not the fact that their spouse cheated on them that finally broke their homes, but the words they used - the lies they told. Women have this inherent ability to store and remember words that hurt them. Some actions can be forgiven and forgotten only if the words that accompanies those actions are not destructive. Mind the words you say. As a man you can utterly decimate the confidence and self worth of your wife by your words. You can make her self conscious by your words and seemingly take away her beauty! As a lady you can al...