7. As Holy Christians, we may not subscribe to the Valentine Fever, but As Married Folks, it is imperative that this Fever is enshrined in our day to day living.
Do not neglect being romantic to the wife of your youth. Take her out today and make her feel like the luckiest girl in the world. It is scriptural, legal and wise.

6. Anger may be UNAVOIDABLE in the course of  your marriage. What can you do about it?
Train yourself to:
  1. Find healthy ways to let off steam. 
  2. Investigate the REAL reason for your anger.
  3. Communicate same to your spouse. 
  4. Let it go: Don’’t allow it to fester.
  5. Consciously choose happiness in your marriage.

5. There is no such thing as independence in a marriage.
Interdependence of marriage acknowledges the importance and need of both parties.
It means that the man needs the woman and the woman needs the man.
The absence of WORTH invalidates the essence of the union.

4. Most men want peace in their home. Shouting to make yourself heard will not make him listen to you.
Subtle influence over your spouse that makes use of the benefit of his love is far more effective.

3. Don’t allow marriage handicap you. Your career is an integral part of your personality; just as your character is.   Do not abandon it.  There is nothing wrong in earning big. Do not use your spouse as a crutch.  Marital interdependence should not be replaced with dependence.

2.       Dear Husband,
The beginning of most temptation is sight. So endeavour to:
    1. be in healthy environments.
    2. watch healthy movies.
    3. guard your heart on how you receive what you see.
    4. revamp your sight, I mean, your focus.

1. The way you treat your wife sets the precedence for the way she will treat you. If you tell lies (white or not) and “tall-tales”to her; she also will learn to fabricate and with-hold vital information from you. 


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