Wife respect your husband! 

A lot of issues will die a natural death if wives respect their husbands. 

I know a lot of your reaction now will be to ask about husbands that do not respect or value their wife. “What about them?” My response is simple: this post is not about that. It is about your duty as a wife to respect the position and person of your husband. 

If the above statement is an issue for you as a wife, then you should get a divorce. (Not an advocate of divorce!!!) 

I have said it on this platform severally, in advice to spinsters, only marry a man that is above you in everything. This helps you to look up to him, respect him, value him, learn from him and submit to him. It is difficult submitting to a man whose values and character is beneath yours. It is hard respecting a man who has no self-respect. It is almost impossible submitting to a man whose status is lower than yours (and I don’t mean physical height). 

If as a woman you want your marriage to work, then you must learn to respect your husband in the entirety of the word. Refraining from insulting your husband is not the only way to show your respect. 

How do you show respect to your husband? Here are ten key ways you can show respect to your husband. Number 10 is vital! 

  1. Never trash-talk him with your friends. 
  2. Listen attentively to the things he says. 
  3. Give priority to anything that concerns him. 
  4. Respect his position by honouring his private/personal possessions. (His cutleries, car, phone, favourite chair, etc) 
  5. Never raise your voice at him (even when angry). 
  6. Do not argue with him to prove how wrong he is or how smarter you are! Reschedule the battle for another time with another subtler strategy! 
  7. Never belittle his achievements! 
  8. Adjust your body language to read preference for him (especially in public) 
  9. Protect his secret! They are yours too! 
  10. Allow him to be your HUSBAND! Allow him defend you, argue for you and represent you to external parties. Never usurp his role!!!! 

Of course, there are far more ways than the ten listed here! These ten are common keys that are prevalent fails observed in contemporary marriages today! If you can practice these, 60% of the issues you face in your marriage will fizzle away. This is the honest truth. 

God bless you as you observe and do the needful. 

PS: You can show this to your husband and ask for his honest appraisal. Listen carefully to what he says on each point and you will understand the veritable truth about it. 

PS: When your husband points out your fault, it is not an opportunity for you to measure sticks. It is a rare window into his soul to which the key of the kingdom resides. 



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