Hello guys,

It is a New Year, 2022.

I know many of us will consciously or unconsciously form resolutions about our relationships in the coming year.

We would want to end some, revamp some, advance some, etc.

Some of us would even determine to get married in this New Year, while some will finally decide to throw in the towel on our marriage and get a divorce!

Whatever you decide to do, I want you to know that it is OKAY! A wise man once said, “Pet it, manage it, pray about it, read about it, talk about it, confront it… but don't leave it like that. Do something about it. The issue will not solve itself.”
Last week I was reminded of my former neighbors who hated themselves passionately. They had constant dangerous fights, inflicting bodily harm with weapons but somehow gave birth to a new baby almost every year, while still complaining about their union! I just wondered at people. This made me reticent about giving advice about relationships because sometimes your advice isn't really needed! But the work must be done.
So before you make those 2022 resolutions about your relationships, honestly answer to yourself these three questions:
  1. Are you really psychologically ready for marriage? Are you sure you are not being pressured by external factors/forces?
  2. Have you fully discovered and defined who you are? (or want to be?)
  3. Are you sure of the partner/candidate you have now? Or is the person the “next best option”.

The worst error in this world of relationships is to be married to the wrong person or at the wrong time or when you are not ready for it!
Therefore as regards your relationship in the year 2022, please consider these salient words of wisdom from yours truly:
  • Find yourself. Be comfortable in your skin. Learn to be the best version of yourself. Discover who you are and your purpose on planet earth!
  • Do not be pressured into marriage! God is not wishy-washy about marriage! The person you choose to be married to is the person you get bound with in destiny for life. Do not let the spate of divorce fool you into thinking that it has become normal or acceptable.
  • Grow your sense of responsibility. If you choose Mr. A learn to back up your choice and live with (or deal with) the consequence. If a child comes out of your choice to have pre-marital sex with that person you don’t really love, you must be responsible enough to care for the child. Being responsible is a sign of maturity which is an important cornerstone for marriage!!!
  • Finally, try and cultivate healthy friendships among “HAPPILY MARRIED FOLKS”. You can’t expect to be ONLY friends with divorcees, singles, cheats … and truly expect to achieve your resolution of a fulfilling marital bond in 2022.

It is my sincere prayer that we all get to experience the unadulterated joy of marital bliss as we continue to grow together in the year 2022. 

I love you all.

Love life; Live free.

Happy New Year fam!

- E. I. Oputa


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