Actually, September is the 7th month not July. December is the 10th and not 12th. The prefix 'Sept' means Seven. E.g. Septagon is a polygon with 7 sides. A conversation between 7 people is known as Septalogue. Septuage. A 70-year old man is called a Septuagenarian. Alright. Oct means 8. For instance, A poem with 8 stanzas is called Octave. In chemistry, a straight chain alkane with 8 carbon atoms is called Octane. We all know that Dec implies 10. Decade, Decimal, Decameter, Decagon. But why is the calendar showing July as the 7th month and September shifted to the 9th month? Why is December not the 10th month on the calendar? How come? . . The calendar we use today is a reformation of the ancient Roman Calendar. The ancient Roman calendar consist of 12 months, and the first is March. It was taken as the first month because that's when military action resumes after the long winter. April, May and June were the 2nd, 3rd and 4th respectively. The 5th was called Quintilis and...