Good morning dears, Remember this: DO NOT SEEK FOR YOUR MARRIAGE TO MEASURE UP TO ANY STANDARD! The union of marriage is a living entity and it is unique. NO TWO MARRIAGES ARE THE-SAME! Even if you have twin men marrying twin women on the same day by the-same officiator ... their respective marriages will still be different. A lot of young men and women tend to tailor their marriage to that of a mentor or some other persons' marriage they admire. STOP IT! You are following the recipe to disaster. Your marriage is unique. The dynamic you have with your spouse is special. Your history plays a huge role. The words/vows you exchanged and their implications, the core principles you agreed on as a unit, the expressions of love - the weight behind each of them, ... all these and more have an effect on the uniqueness of your marriage. So you witnessed a husband command his wife in public and she responded meekly, you suddenly decided to try it out with your own wife? ...