
Showing posts from June, 2019


A black sheep is still a sheep. A prodigal son is still a son. The worst sin is not the crime of the child but the betrayal of a parent in denying a child. What did he/she do? Got pregnant out of wedlock Shamed the family name with a scandal Committed a petty crime Abandoned family faith or doctrine or denomination Became gay or lesbian e tc Whatever the crime, the greater sin remains DENYING / ABANDONING YOUR CHILD! That is the definition of IRRESPONSIBILITY! Please, let wisdom lead. Do not let your action make your child fall into the deep end! Being a parent does not end after birth. It is like marriage, till death. #ablacksheepisstillasheep - E. I. OPUTA

10 common-sense-tips for your future relationships

1. If he hits you when dating, he is likely to do worse when married. 2. If you snatched him from his loyal girlfriend, he is likely to be unfaithful after marriage. 3. If she maintains an expensive phone, car, makeup, fashion sense and lifestyle; you most likely will spend a lot of money on these. 4. If she disrespects her father; she will most likely not respect. 5. If you do not know everything about him, he is most likely hiding something. 6. If he won't compromise for you in little things, he most likely will be betray in big things. 7. If he refuses to allow you meet his parents/relatives, he most likely is not serious about you. 8. If she can't cook, clean or even likes children, you most likely will do it yourself. 9. If he spends more money on his friends than he does you, you most likely are replaceable. 10. If he never shows interest in your health, education, career and socio-economic well being, you most likely are ...


Hi folks, Have you ever seen a star? Especially at night? They are so beautiful. So glittery - shiny. Do you know what a star really is? Have you ever imagined what it looks like up close? A star really is the burning of different gasses that causes immense heat that can melt you to ashes. An example of a star is our very own SUN. I'm sure you can imagine this now. What makes a star is not nice? It is ugly, nasty, elements, undergoing a constant nuclear reaction similar to the effect of a hydrogen bomb. Now, who wants to be a star? . . . . . When you look at people called stars, like famous artists sports & movies celebrities, politicians, etc. we often place them on a pedestal that is absolutely unreasonable. They don't mind at all. Infact they go out of their way to encourage such. That is what they call Branding. These people go through a lot of work to maintain that stardom. To be a star that have to "burn" constantly....


Everyone knows how to celebrate a win. We stunt on the gram so that a few thousand strangers can know that things are getting bera. ⠀ ⠀ No problem. Shebi all na branding. ⠀ ⠀ However, as a young person still NEGOTIATING THE CLIMB, your impact and longevity will be determined by how you handle your losses as well.⠀ ⠀ What happens when you’re momentarily disrespected or treated poorly? ⠀ ⠀ What’s your response when payment is withheld? ⠀ ⠀ Do you seek a speedy and quiet resolution? Or do you submit your case to the High Court of Social Media? ⠀ ⠀ Some time ago, someone caused a small ruckus on social media, claiming that her boss (who was famous) didn’t pay her.⠀ ⠀ Her aim was to publicly embarrass this woman into paying her. You can trust that she got a ton of support from the unthinking mob. ⠀ ⠀ The inferior wisdom of the world says “Fight for your rights”, but it is limited wisdom. It didn’t teach you how. ⠀ ⠀ Learn from David who though was h...