10 common-sense-tips for your future relationships
1. If he hits you when dating, he is likely to do worse when married.
2. If you snatched him from his loyal girlfriend, he is likely to be unfaithful after marriage.
3. If she maintains an expensive phone, car, makeup, fashion sense and lifestyle; you most likely will spend a lot of money on these.
4. If she disrespects her father; she will most likely not respect.
5. If you do not know everything about him, he is most likely hiding something.
6. If he won't compromise for you in little things, he most likely will be betray in big things.
7. If he refuses to allow you meet his parents/relatives, he most likely is not serious about you.
8. If she can't cook, clean or even likes children, you most likely will do it yourself.
9. If he spends more money on his friends than he does you, you most likely are replaceable.
10. If he never shows interest in your health, education, career and socio-economic well being, you most likely are a booty call.
(1) Not everything requires a PROPHET, some signs are too glaring.
(2) Notice I often use the word LIKELY, not everything is written in stone.
(3) Feel free to add yours.
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