Everyone knows how to celebrate a win. We stunt on the gram so that a few thousand strangers can know that things are getting bera. ⠀
No problem. Shebi all na branding. ⠀
However, as a young person still NEGOTIATING THE CLIMB, your impact and longevity will be determined by how you handle your losses as well.⠀
What happens when you’re momentarily disrespected or treated poorly? ⠀
What’s your response when payment is withheld? ⠀
Do you seek a speedy and quiet resolution? Or do you submit your case to the High Court of Social Media? ⠀
Some time ago, someone caused a small ruckus on social media, claiming that her boss (who was famous) didn’t pay her.⠀
Her aim was to publicly embarrass this woman into paying her. You can trust that she got a ton of support from the unthinking mob. ⠀
The inferior wisdom of the world says “Fight for your rights”, but it is limited wisdom. It didn’t teach you how. ⠀
Learn from David who though was hunted by his benefactor King Saul, chose to act honourably in order to preserve the ecology of the outcome. ⠀
Learn from Jacob who though was cheated several times by his uncle Laban, chose to walk away rather than strike back. ⠀
Learn from Joseph who though embarrassed, chose to not make a public spectacle of Mary when he initially thought she had been unfaithful. ⠀
Social media commentary is a mob consisting of diverse spirits. ⠀
Choose God’s wisdom. ⠀
I implore you to consider the entire race, NOT JUST THE FIRST LAP! ⠀
Are you trained in taking the high road?⠀
In this age where our people celebrate borrowed ‘savagery’, can you hold your tongue (or twitter fingers) for the sake of a longer term victory?⠀
Consider that this person though temporarily incapable of good behaviour, will be needed as a bridge somewhere down the road. ⠀
Choose honour. Choose dignity.⠀
Many of my present day opportunities have been facilitated by people I once couldn’t stand.⠀
Our people say, “Do not insult the crocodile until you have crossed the river”⠀
I like to add, “Do not insult it at all. You might need to cross that river again.”⠀
“Echi Di Ime” - Igbo Proverb ⠀
It means “Tomorrow is pregnant”.⠀
- John Obidi


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