I had the good fortune of learning something new yesterday which made an impression on me and I wish to share that with you this afternoon.

It's about our affinity to be irresponsible. Yes, IRRESPONSIBLE! The opposite of responsible. We often neglect to acknowledge the fact that each time we apportion blame on something or one other than ourselves for what is going wrong in our life, we are irresponsible.
Responsibility which is the state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or of having control over someone; holds true in spite of outside interference or overwhelming / overriding factors.

The phenomenon that is more acceptable to us especially here in Nigeria is called Determinism. This is the philosophy that all events, including human action, are ultimately determined by causes regarded as external to the will. Some philosophers have taken determinism to imply that individual human beings have no free will and cannot be held morally responsible for their actions. (Google).

In other words, it implies that there is no such thing as an ability to choose a response as long as there are factors that limit your choice of responses or guide it. Proponents of this philosophy says there are three types of Determinism: 
(1) Genetic determinism: influence resulting from hereditary characteristics. i.e. from your forebears. This has to do with generalizations and stereotypes. (e.g. Igbos are all business savvy, Akwaibomites are all sexperts, Nigerians are all Fraudulent/Corrupt, Africans aren't intelligent, e.t.c.).
(2) Psychic determinism: influence resulting from training or history or experiences. This has to do with your mental limitations. (e.g. Whistling at night invites spirits, Jumping over a human body will make you short, Sleeping on the left side of the bed will make you more feminine, e.t.c.)
(3) Environmental determinism: influence resulting from present day issues emanating from your relationships, society, peer groups, economy, conditions, e.t.c.)

Responsibility - the ability to chose your response recognises the influences of these but exist despite them. 
We believe so much in determinism that: 
* A lady who is not married by the age of 35, blame it on ancestral curses.
* A young man who got sacked for dereliction of duty, blames it on near success syndrome.
* A father who becomes a drunk and treats his family badly, blames it on poor economy and recession.

Responsibility is having a sense of duty to oneself and ones sphere of impact.
So you walk into an auditorium and find the chair you are about to sit on is dirty, CLEAN IT. It just entered within your sphere.

You are walking along the road and suddenly witnessed an accident, HELP THEM. It happened within your sphere.

There is on light (electricity) in your compound and no one is doing anything about it. Go right ahead and SOURCE FOR A SOLUTION TO IT.

Responsibility is not foolishness. Responsibility is recognizing that THINGS DON'T JUST HAPPEN, RESPONSIBLE PEOPLE MAKE THEM HAPPEN.

You are likely to fail an exam, if you don't wake up and study for it. 
You are likely to likely to be broke at the end of the month, if you don't take that job (though low paying). 
You are very likely to have a hang over if you drink 10 bottles of beer on a dare.

Your actions matter as much as your inactions.

Responsibility is having the sense to act or not act, bearing in mind that YOU will give account of the result of that action or inaction. Responsibility is the basic sign of maturity.

Neglecting responsibility is irresponsible.
Denying responsibility is irresponsible. 
Diverting responsibility is irresponsible.

Begin to act responsibly today, it'll save you a load full of regrets!!!



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