
Showing posts from June, 2018


I've been encountering some amazing posts recently! Please read! E. I. Oputa approves this post! *** Copied *** SCISSORS COUPLES: 👫✂✂✂ I needed to use the scissors this morning & as I finished with it, I looked at it carefully & I saw that, the scissors models an ideal couple. Let's see some lessons every couple should learn from the scissors so that we can become better couples & build enviable homes. LESSON 1: The scissors is always in pairs & that's where its usefulness is. Once you see one part & the other part is not there, it is useless no matter how beautiful it is. The effectiveness of every marriage is lost when couples are not together. Separation & divorce destroy the effectiveness & usefulness of every marriage. Remember, 'united we stand, divided we fall'. Separation is not only when you separate physically & you are no longer living together. There are many couples who are together under the same roof but are spirituall...


PLEASE READ WITH UNDERSTANDING.  WISDOM IS PROFITABLE THAN UNNECESSARY EMOTIONS, THIS IS A STORY FROM A FRIEND "My husband is a member of a country club here in Lagos. And the few times I followed him to go unwind at the club...I noticed there are female members there as well. One in husband talks often about. Infact,his constant talks about her made me begin to take more than a passing look at her on several occasions and I know she is not better looking than myself in anyway...yet,my husband seemed to worship the ground she walks on. I decided to put my 'woman feelings' in check and encouraged my husband to invite her over for dinner. She did honour the invitation and within an hour of being in her company ...I saw what my husband saw in her. And it is nothing physical at all...there is something so endearing about her simplicity towards life. And of course,her intellectual endowment. Her presence was so refreshing that I found mys...


Your facebook wall is like your mind. What you allow on your facebook wall tells the kind of man you are just the way what you think about determines what you say and do. That is why the scriptures advice us to guard our mind with all diligence. In like manner, I will like to also advice us to guard our friends and by extension our wall with all diligence. You can be on Facebook and never experience the OTHER SIDE of Facebook. This rail of thought came about as I was unfortunate to get a glimpse of somebody's wall and I was embarrassed for his embarrassment at the things we encountered. The content of your wall is determined by the quality of your friends. After this encounter, I realised that a lot of people might not be enjoying facebook as well as I am. So I decided to do this list of five amazing people who are great influencers with a "skyscraping" sense of morality and who happen to be my FACEBOOK (BEST) FRIENDS. 1. Social Media Marker / Influence...


Good morning friends, A friend contacted me after a recent post ( to express appreciation for value she got BUT at the same time chide me for "always" focusing on the woman in my posts on marriage! This made me laugh! First of all, I don't ALWAYS focus on women. Secondly, if I did, I think it should be seen as a compliment to our wives! abi?. But in my quiet time I probed my mind trying to decipher if there was a particular bias I had for the seeming consistent focus on the role of the wife in a home. I came to the conclusion that I truly harbour no bias except that I believe that the home IS the woman and the woman, the home. It might be unfair but the bulk of the responsibility of home building always falls on the woman. She is the foundation, the catalyst, and the substance, all rolled up in one. The pressure is much and the position sensitive. The man can falter, make mistakes lose f...


For our married sisters, Good morning friends, Let me kick off by stating that prostitution, promiscuity and adultery is a sin towards God, morally repugnant, and showcases a character flaw so bad that many can't seem to find their way back to sanity.  Be that as it may, wisdom wears different clothes and can be found in weird locations. Today I'll be outlining the wisdom of the Other Woman. I hope you set aside your sensitivity for a minute and grab one or two things to better your home.  - She is sensitive. To be able to satisfy her client, she takes the pains of paying attention to the subtle nuances of his body language. She does not preempt him but watches for his desire and then subtly adaps hers to satisfy his longing.  - She is discrete. She has learnt to keep silent about the things she's done or heard. That is how he keeps coming back. His failings / weakness as a man is managed by her jealously. Thus he keeps coming back because he TRUSTS...