I've been encountering some amazing posts recently! Please read! E. I. Oputa approves this post! *** Copied *** SCISSORS COUPLES: 👫✂✂✂ I needed to use the scissors this morning & as I finished with it, I looked at it carefully & I saw that, the scissors models an ideal couple. Let's see some lessons every couple should learn from the scissors so that we can become better couples & build enviable homes. LESSON 1: The scissors is always in pairs & that's where its usefulness is. Once you see one part & the other part is not there, it is useless no matter how beautiful it is. The effectiveness of every marriage is lost when couples are not together. Separation & divorce destroy the effectiveness & usefulness of every marriage. Remember, 'united we stand, divided we fall'. Separation is not only when you separate physically & you are no longer living together. There are many couples who are together under the same roof but are spirituall...