It's funny that I should actually have to write about this. But it seems people are very impressionable and easily swayed by the funniest things imaginable. It's actually mind boggling the pranks and setups people are susceptible to. So here are some pointers as we seemingly enter into the season of "foolish undertakings"
  • "Man is naturally selfish". Nobody will go out of his way to get you a link to be rich with no strings attached. Whoever teaches on wealth and prosperitymust be wealthy. It's got to work for you first.
  • There is no such thing as "no strings attached". Even your family has strings attached to every favour they do for you. Whether you see it as such or not. Don't be fooled.
  • There are no real "get-money-quick-without-work-schemes". Whatever scheme you or anybody comes up with will require work or a strong risk factor even when illegal.
  • Spiritual truths and revelation are also a product of perspective. Get yours and turn into a foundational belief so that your life will not be "rigmaroled" by every new idea from a new influence.
  • Your chosen vision for your life is the most important. Don't dedicate your whole life pursuing another persons vision. Go ask the old and elderly, they'll tell you that their regrets are their personal visions and desires they abandoned along the way in pursuit of what other people claimed was important.
  • Greed is what fraudsters count on in their business. If you are going to escape them this season, purge yourself of Greed.
  • Life is short. Love life. Live free. Live full. Plan for today. Leave tomorrow for tomorrow. You never know when it'll be your turn.
  1. Remember the problem may not be yours. If one person frequently pushes you around and you feel victimized by them, you are not a pushover. They are a bully. Bullying in all forms - direct, indirect, mental or physical - is completely unacceptable.
  2. Don't accept the unacceptable : report them, tell someone and seek the help you need. Identify in what ways and when you back down. Do you allow certain groups of people in your life to push you around? Or only under certain circumstances? Open your mind to the issue and it will become clearer to you in which situations you need to use your backbone.
  3. Appreciate your worth. You are a valuable, unique human being who is entitled to the same respect and treatment as any other. Remember that your judgement, opinions and feelings are just as important as everyone else's. You are not someone else's tool. You are you - enjoy it. Be ready to use and share your skills, but don't allow yourself to be taken advantage of.
  4. Know when to say no : remember that you only have to do something if you want to. When someone asks for your commitment to a project, get into the habit of replying 'I'll get back to you'. When you've had time to consider the offer and you're not under pressure, you can reply with a definite yes or no.
  5. Send positive, confident signals through your body language. The way you present yourself to the people around you is very important. You don't have to be tough looking, physically strong, or even tall, but standing up straight with shoulders back and relaxed arms will send messages of openness and confidence to everyone. Remember to make eye contact and smile.
  6. If you think something is wrong, stand up for it. Don't stand by while your friend is being beaten verbally or physically.
  7. Be assertive. Whether it's choosing what to have for lunch, or deciding whether or not to lend someone money. Let them know what you think and state why. Get out of the habit of immediately replying "I don't mind" or "you choose".
I have a saying:
"Most insults/embarrassments can be directly/indirectly traced to money"
If you'll be honest and look at that statement again you'll find it to ring true.
  • When you get splashed with dirty water by a speeding driver along the road,
  • When your kid gets sent back from school 
  • When you are asked to leave the mall because certain individual wanted to shop
  • When you are lumped with a group of people called the 'MASSES'
  • When you do a job you don't like or be nice to bosses you abhor
  • When you have to keep quiet at unfair treatments because it's being perpetrated by someone in power

All of these instances are as a result of the lack of money. This is a message to all young men and women out there: STOP WAITING FOR THE BIG SCORE. Start now and build your future where money and the basic necessities for living a good life is readily available. If you don't do so you'll access your life 5 years from now and realize that you have remained at thesame place and have not progressed in any respect and still have not achieved your BIG SCORE.

- E. I. Oputa


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