Good Morning, 
Recently I've been reading up on one of the brilliant minds of our time. He is a South African-born Canadian-American business magnate, investor, engineer and an inventor. Among his many inventions include:

Futurist extraordinaire.
Tesla Motors, electric car. ...
SpaceX, Falcon rocket. ...
X.com (PayPal) e-payments. ...
Hyperloop. ...
Zip2, online city guides. ...
SolarCity, solar-power systems. ...
Electric Jet 

His net Worth is $15.9 billion (USD). So yep, he is very rich. His name is ELON MUSK.

I gave this much background on him because I'll like to use him for my analogy today.

When it comes to finance in marriage, a lot of people get so jittery and messed up that they mess up an already made bed. 

Ladies, imagine that you are married to Mr. Musk and he asks you to give him a million dollars of your own money, which is basically all you have, would you? I bet the answer would be Yes? Why? Because he's worth more than that. Both financially, intellectually and emotionally. 

You see, often times we rate people by their economic/financial worth. We are free to spend when we are sure that the person we are spending on is "worth the risk". Marrying with your eyes open does not mean "marrying with your eyes on his money". There is more to a man than his money and if you can't see beyond what he has to understanding the man that he is and the vision that he pursues, you rest assured will lose him.

Elon Musk has been married, twice actually. A man is a man is a man. If you don't get into the man, you can never keep him! "Musk met his first wife, Canadian author Justine Wilson, while both were students at Ontario's Queen's University. They married in 2000 and separated in 2008. They later had five sons through in vitro fertilization – twins in 2004, followed by triplets in 2006 – all of whom they share custody. In 2008, Musk began dating English actress Talulah Riley, and in 2010, the couple married. In January 2012, Musk announced that he had ended his four-year relationship with Riley, tweeting to Riley, "It was an amazing four years. I will love you forever. You will make someone very happy one day." In July 2013, Musk and Riley remarried. In December 2014, Musk filed for a second divorce from Riley, however, the action was withdrawn. It was announced in March 2016 that divorce proceedings were again under way, this time with Riley filing for divorce from Musk. The divorce was finalized in late 2016" - Wikipedia

What do you see in Mr. Musk's story? Really take a deeper look! 

Every Man of Vision must have more than just ANOTHER WOMAN. The man has everything, all the money in the world. But he is still in need. He has professional satisfaction. He has sexual satisfaction (I assure you sex is not his problem). He has satisfaction in all areas. If you were given the chance to meet seduce and marry Elon Musk, I bet you, you'll be getting a divorce in four years (max). 

How do you get to your man's heart and stay there, where you are indispensable? I hope and pray that Elon Musk will one day find a woman who will prove invaluable to him and worth more than all his riches and accomplishment. You know THERE IS A WOMAN like that for every man. 


I can't help but wonder at the amazing qualities of the silent women of visionary men in the Bible. Abraham's wife, Moses's wife, e.t.c. ... you may think them less important and lost but they cut their niche and wielded great power. They used their power to build their husband and his (their shared) vision.

A lot of wives these days are like Lot's wife. I don't blame her or them. The faith required to be a wife is no small requirement. Lots wife was in her home. A home she had kept and painstakingly built all these years. They lived in a volatile area where all manner of absurdities happened but she had mastered the art of keeping to herself and protecting her children. She was doing fine until two men walked in with her husband. She pulled him aside to ask who they were and he said they were angels. She had never met an angel before and she really did not believe in the queer faith of her husband and his uncle Abraham. ... Suddenly her husband is forcing her to leave her home with her children, taking nothing and leaving it for these two strange men!!! Most women will balk. They will tell the man to leave. I mean, after all these years of building something you want to hand it over to some fraudsters who even had the gall to tell you to leave and never look back?!

Marriage is about being vulnerable. Being a wife is about being stupid. Yes. if you want to be smart and correct, NEVER MARRY!!! Marriage means you have someone who you are determined to follow to the ends of the earth at his say so. Sarah did not meet nor hear from God, but she was willing to follow Abraham to hell even if he demanded it. Heck, she was willing to whore herself out when he asked her to! 

It is not about being right, it's about following him. So, you married a man who makes wrong decisions. So, what?!? Who told you the goal of marriage is to make right decisions? It is not! If it was then your requirement for the job is all wrong. You should just get married to a ROBOT! 

Your husband is (should be) your:
  • Boss 
  • Lord
  • Director
  • Mentor 
  • Attraction 
  • Leader
  • Priest
  • Crush 
  • Love 4 Life
  • Celebrity e.t.c. 
See, if you (woman) are married and you are shaking your head right now, then I don't need to be a prophet to tell you that your marriage is heading for the rocks! It's really simple. You are supposed to marry someone above you, whom you will not be ashamed to follow. If you were married to Elon Musk, you wouldn't mind if he shits on your head!!! Fact!! Why, because you adore him! He is Elon Musk! But if you are married to Ikenna Ejiofor (a low life), well, the moment he shits on your head, you'll sue him for every dime he is worth.

Some men cheat, apologise and their wife takes them back, accept the apology and life goes on. Some other men only look outside once and they are divorced faster than they can holler "Bat-shit". Why? The wife never thought them to be all that in the first place! Love is not the only factor to consider before getting married! In fact you mustn't marry every one you love, but you must love whoever you chose to marry! In that same vein, it is more than just loving. You see the Bible was not wrong when it advised wives to submit to their own husbands!


#Fact! Quote me anywhere! Read Elon Musks tweet to Riley again: 

"It was an amazing four years. I will love you forever. You will make someone very happy one day".

He truly loved her but that love couldn't keep his marriage to her. He even tried to make a go of it again, yet it still fell to pieces. Why? Should I tell you why? I really don't have to be there in their marriage to know why. May I? I shouldn't? Ok then! I won't. 

Listen! If you want to have a long lasting marriage that is full of bliss, find a man who you you admire and can never feel insulted by because he is way up above you and his vision is so big, yours will find more than enough room to reside. Find such a man, marry him and swear fealty to him! Submit to him. Give him whatever he wants, whenever he wants it, and however he wants it. Be there for him emotionally, physically, sensually, psychologically, domestically, spiritually ... If you can do this, you'll be indispensable. You'll become one of those women we whisper about who have their husbands wrapped around their fingers. Not because you did that through supernatural means, but because the one way to conquer is to STOOP!!!



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